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What can I do with this asset ?

This asset is the perfect starting point for making a complete, fine tuned and customized 2D platformer.

First you will have a great character controller, optimized for 2D physic world, with lots of settings in order to help you creating the exact dynamic you are looking for. 


Then this characters is fully compatible with all 2D native colliders of Unity, it uses native 2D sprite animation system (with mechanim), so you can easily extend and customize it. 


Last, lots of standards game objects and behaviors are provided. If one is missing, you can ask for it. Provided samples are easy to understand, this is the perfect place to make your own game object.

Can I use my own sprites / animations ?

Every elements of the assets uses native Unity features, you can easily put your own sprites / animations if you now Unity a little.

Do I own the right to use it in any commercial or free game ?

For sure, you can do whatever you want with this asset. And it is really appreciated if you put a link to it somewhere.

I have no coding knowledge, can I make a MegaMan like game ?

Sorry but answer is no. Each game is too specific, an asset will never be able to give you exactly what you need. If you want to make a game with this asset, you'll node small coding knowledge. But don't worry, some samples are provided with well documented code. This is the perfect place to learn, and coding is not so complicated.

Can you add something for me ?

For sure I can as long as this is not too specific to your game. Ask for it, and I will add it to the Backlog.

I am lost, can you help me ?

For sure ! It will be a pleasure to assist you ! Go to contact page and send me an email :)

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